
RF Online - Q & A

RF Online Info: FAQ

What is RF Online?

RF Online is a sci-fi MMORPG with a heavy focus on PvP. There are three races: Accretia, Cora, and Bellato - all of which are at war with one another.
What does RF in the title mean?

RF stands for Rising Force so the full title of the game would be Rising Force Online. However the game is being commonly known as RF Online or RFO for short.
How many characters can I create per server?

In the US version, players can create 3 characters per server. Whether all 3 must be of the same race is yet to be seen.
Where do I get equipment?

Equipment level 1-30 can be bought from stores. Equipment that is level 31+ you either obtain from crafting or from monster loot.
How can I form a party in RF Online?

Ctrl + Left Click on the person you wish to party with.
What is the highest level you can reach in the game ?

The game's current cap is 50 - but it may change in future updates.
Can we form guilds in game?

Yes, groups of people from the same race only can form guilds. Guild creation requires eight level 30+ characters and costs a significant amount of money.
How is loot awarded?

The party or group that deals the most damage is awarded the monster's loot.
How does leveling and experience work?

Players gain experience every time they hit a monster and receive an experience bonus upon killing it. In addition to levels, most skills/spells you use are on a level system. This is referred to as PT, and it is used for item requirements as well. To raise a weapon PT, just fight with it. Skills work the same way, gaining PT on each use.
What are the restrictions on equipping items?

All classes can potentially use all equipment. There is no "warrior only" or "spiritualist only" equipment. However, equipment does have level and PT requirements. For example, a piece of armor may have a level requirement of 27 and a Force PT requirement of 16.
How does healing work in RF Online?

There are very few healing classes in RF Online - some races have no healers at all. Instead, all players can use potions to restore their health instantly and by significant amounts. Potions, since they are guzzled down by players at high rates, can end up being very costly.
What are the different camera angles available?

There is the standard 3rd-person camera angle and a bird's eye camera angle that is similar to that of strategy games. Press "K" to alternate between them.
What's something unique about each race?

Accretia - Rocket LaunchersCora - Summoning AnimusBellato - Piloting Maus
Can races ally with one another?

Players from different races can form informal alliances or be friendly with one another, but there is no game ability to officially do so.
What are Specialists?

In many cases, Specialists are another name for 'crafter'. However, Specialists have many other abilities, such as reviving fallen comrades, building defensive gun turrets, and piloting Maus (Bellato only).
What are Pitbosses?

Pitbosses are some of the tougher PvE opponents in RFOnline and, as expected, drop very impressive loot.
What incentive is there to PvP?

There are no direct XP benefits to winning in PvP and there are likewise no XP or item loss penalties associated with losing. However, players gain and lose 'fame' upon killing one another which serves as a PvP ranking system - think Realm Points in DAOC, only they can fluctuate. Players also gain money and skill PT upon fighting and killing race enemies.
Where can I PvP?

Except for each race's headquarters and surrounding newbie areas, just about every area in RF Online is open for PvP - always be on your guard!
Is PvP very group oriented?

Yes, extremely so. Players are relatively hard to kill in RF Online, mainly because of the potion system. Teamwork is essential in taking down enemies quickly.
What about 1v1?

It is very difficult to outdamage another player's healing potions by oneself. 1v1 battles usually boil down to who runs out of potions first or who misses hitting a potion.
Is there a way to broadcast messages to your entire race?

The top 5 players of your race ladder (players with the most fame) can broadcast messages to the entire race. They can also call votes that bring up a small voting window on all race members' screens. These "race leaders" also have a special aura around them to make them easilly identifiable.
What are the chip wars and what is the mine that the races war over?

The Chip War is a continuous RvRvR battle - the goal is to destroy the enemy's chip while defending your own. The last race standing (chip intact) gets bonus fame points and gains exclusive access to the central mine for a particular amount of time. The central mine is rich in ore, so control of it heavilly impacts your race's money supply.
What is the ore used for?

Ore can be sold or refined into crafting materials.
What are talics?

Talics are basically rare ores used for upgrading weapons and armor - kind of like slotted items in Diablo 2.

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